Training Founders for Successful
Expansion to Silicon Valley
We accelerate founders’ ability to understand market opportunities and connect with the US market by providing a framework that centers on cultural nuances, unique market insights and a founder-centric approach. Our goal is to create tangible success stories for founders, whether that is helping them raise their next round of capital or finding their first customers and partners. With this program, we help founders to benchmark against US and international companies in their space and help them develop best practices to improve their chances of success.
Impact & Outcomes
Former founders have qualified for the top startup accelerators in the world like Skydeck (UC Berkeley’s premier accelerator), 500 Startups and more
Using frameworks from the course, entrepreneurs have been able to bring products to market faster and more quickly raise venture funding
Lessons from class have saved entrepreneurs thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars by helping them avoid mistakes and use the right methods to build successful businesses
Founders build their professional networks through their interactions with industry mentors, guest speakers and experts
Founders drastically improve their communications skills through rigorous course assignments
Increase understanding of Silicon Valley culture and how to effectively do business in America